Title: A tribute to the UN General Assembly’s SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)
Summit, 2023: The Association for World Education (AWE) is delivering an online workshop to
highlight, inspire, and support people and communities seeking to achieve the UN’s 17 SDGs.
Date: September 16th, 2023
Time: 9.00 - 11.00 am. Eastern Time / 3.00 - 5.00 pm. CET
To Register: Email rex.schade@gmail.com Please register by September 10th.
For More Information Visit AWE’s Website: https://world-education.org/
Program: (Times reflect Eastern Time. Please adjust to your timezone)
9.00: Welcome by hosts, AWE Presidents Kirsten Bruun, Reghu Rama Das
9.05: Introduction to AWE SDG Platform by Rex O. Schade, Vice-president, AWE UN-Committee
9.10: Workshop Moderator, Kirsten Bruun, introduces the program.
9.15: City & Community implementation of the 17 SDGs across all sectors, a partnership project since 2019. ‘Svendborg for the Goals’, by Jakob Erle, Director of IAED & Rex O. Schade, Co-manager in Svendborg, Denmark.
9.30: Sustainable development Practices in Mitraniketan, India with special highlights on Climate Action. By Joint Director Reghu Rama Das, Peoples College, Mitraniketan Trivandrum.
9.45: Changing Values, Changing Societies. AWE three-chapter project: By Alla Nazarova, Vice-president, & Guido De Couvreur Director of Mondo Center, Asmaa Sleem, Vice-President, Egypt. Meeting in Belgium.
10.00: Breakout group discussions.
10.25: Whole group common meeting to share Q & A and POV (questions & answers and point of view)
10.50: Wrapping up by organizers and moderators.
11.00: Ending
• Organisers: AWE UN-Committee, SDG-Teamwork
• AWE has been an NGO since the mid-1970s with consultative status with the UN’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
• Go to AWE’s website, www.world-education.org for Information about the workshop speakers and an introduction to AWE.
• To register or for more information contact Rex O Schade by email: rex.schade@gmail.com